Aug 31, 2021 | Accommodation in Nelspruit, Nelspruit Accommodation, Nelspruit Lodge
Just because you are on holiday does not mean that it is time to throw your manners away. When you are staying in a hotel, there are some things that you should do, and there are plenty of things that you should avoid doing, in order to make your stay, and the stay of...
Jul 23, 2021 | Accommodation in Nelspruit, Nelspruit Accommodation, Nelspruit Lodge
To be a part of the “sustainable travel” movement, you need to know what you can do to make your travels eco-friendly. Sustainable travels are those that take into account the current and the future economic, environmental and social impact that their trip will have....
Jun 21, 2021 | Accommodation in Nelspruit
Given the events of the past year and the accompanying upset of the tourism industry, the small towns around Nelspruit can really do with a few more visitors this year. Using Nelspruit Lodge and our stunning accommodation in Nelspruit as your starting point, and as...
May 14, 2021 | Accommodation in Nelspruit
Whether you are living on the road or if you are only an occasional business traveller, having accommodation that is suited to your needs is a must. And when selecting your Nelspruit accommodation, you need to make sure that you are staying in the right place. At...
Sep 22, 2019 | Accommodation in Nelspruit, Nelspruit Accommodation, Things to in and around Nelspruit
All Lowvelder’s are spoilt by the weather. Although the summers can get swelteringly hot, the winters are mild and whether its summer or winter, it is always picnic weather in our part of the world. Best Place for a Picnic A favourite picnic spot for locals has got...
Sep 2, 2019 | Accommodation in Nelspruit, Things to in and around Nelspruit
The areas surrounding Nelspruit were born on the backs of the ancient mines. Dotted all around Barberton, Kaapsehoop, and Pilgrims Rest, to name but a few of the old towns, are mines going deep down into the earth. These same mines are the reason why our small part of...